(April 2020-Present)
ICA has been actively supporting the development and emergence of a new trans-boundary alliance called the Rights of Rivers South Asia [RoRSA]. RoRSA is part of a global regenerative narrative shift where rivers (and nature in general) are legally recognised as living entities with rights instead of being viewed as resources to be exploited for human economic growth. RoRSA aims to foster dialogue and collaboration around the concept of Rights of Rivers, and to enable community empowerment, regeneration, conservation and responsible policymaking. Inspired by the worldviews of local and indigenous communities across South Asia and other parts of the world, we recognise that systemic changes that honour the deep interconnections between humans and nature are essential in order to transform destructive current paradigms of development.
The inaugural public event of the RoRSA was conducted on 14 Mar 2021 (poster attached below) with many other activities planned ahead.